Critical Infrastructure Project (ARPA)
We have elected to use Civiltec Engineering, Inc.
If you would like to review their Submittal of Qualifications, please click the link above.
Phase 1
May 30th-31st, 2023: The first phase will be underway next week with survey crews to begin a preliminary drone survey between these two days. They will also try to fit in as much initial surveying as is possible in the time allotted. After the the flight is complete and the maps developed, they will be back to complete the survey bluestakes and map out the existing infrastructure.
Phase 2
We have a contractor!! Pat Bern Construction has been selected as our contractor for this project and Civiltec has evaluated and approved their bid package. The board will be voting on how we will be proceeding at our upcoming meeting on 10/09/2024. As we have information on lead times, possible outages and project updates, we will be posting that information here. If you would like to see the winning bid package, please click here (please note that I was unable to upload as one package so it is divided into 3 parts):