September 13, 2022
CDWID would like to inform the townsite of Chloride that we have a leak between 4th and 5th street on Tennessee. Before we can begin work, we need to receive the all-clear from 811 (Unisource/Frontier) so that we avoid damaging lines. They were called this morning at 6am and we are hoping to begin work tomorrow morning at 6am. We may end up having to wait until Wednesday to begin work. We hope to have the leak repaired within a couple hours. Annie has called those we believe will be affected by a shut off (if a shut off is necessary), but until we get down there to determine the damage, more residences may be affected. Please take the necessary precautions/actions to ensure that you have sufficient water to last you a few hours without service.
September 21, 2022
We have a leak between 2nd and 3rd on Payroll. We just received the markings for Frontier and the all-clear from Unisource and will begin work tomorrow, September 22, 2022 at 6:30 am. Our service may be interrupted after that time for what we hope will be a brief period of time. We have called those we believe will be affected by a shut off. Thank you for your patience.
January 15, 2024
The chlorine level in water has tested at 4.1 ppm which is above the maximum contaminant
level established by the CDC of 4.0 ppm. We suggest you not drink tap water or water
livestock or pets for the next 4-6 hours if you are concerned.
The dangers of consuming drinking water sightly above the MCL level are low, however,
persons with chronic illnesses or health problems should avoid drinking tap water until we
notify you that the water is safe.